On November 20th 2020, West Lothian entered new tier 4 restrictions due to the Covid19 pandemic. Like with Friday's Famous face, Ronnie imagined famous people (but this time with a music link) and what they might be doing during restrictions.
Digital artwork by Ronnie McInnes No.2 - Lady Gaga © 2020.
Each artwork has been illustrated digitally by hand on a PC using a graphics tablet. I imagined realistic situations for each person in the series. The restrictions were announced to last three weeks so there are three portraits in this mini-project. I used a little bit of tasteful humour for each artwork in order to make light of the pandemic and, hopefully, help brighten the day for some folks who are struggling through these times.
I asked my followers on social media to suggest who I should make art about each week. The theme for this week was "Larger than life" and my favourite suggestion was of the amazing Lady Gaga. 
I drew influence from her styling from the music video for Telephone, however instead of wearing a studded bra, in my version Lady Gaga wears a bra made from face masks. 
Standard print prices can be found here: Prices.

If you would like to buy, to find out more about this artwork or to have something similar made, please contact me here: arts@ronniemcinnes.co.uk.

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